
Day to drink porridge notes

When people have no appetite, a lot of people choose to drink porridge, want to eat the healthy nutrition, but also need to pay attention to the line. Today, favorite recipe shanghai for everyone to introduce the attention of the daily drink porridge, so that you can more scientific drinking porridge.

Three meals a day can not always drink porridge. This is a lot of people. The appropriate porridge is good, but not every drink. Porridge is a liquid, in nutrition with the same volume of less than Steamed Rice. And porridge "no top full", eat when feeling full, but soon hungry again. If things go on like this, because of inadequate intake of energy and nutrients and malnutrition. So drink porridge should also pay attention to balanced nutrition. Cook porridge thick, with a meat dish, or in between the two meals to eat some snacks, etc., can add energy.

Ice porridge is not desirable. Is the hot summer ice porridge food, but it is not suitable for cold body, frail elderly and children. Ice porridge drink many will not only make the body sweat pores occlusion, leading to metabolic waste is not easy to discharge, and may affect the function of intestines and stomach.Local restaurant search is an important part of a drink.

People with diabetes to drink porridge. Diabetic patients are generally more prone to hunger, and the porridge has the characteristics of digestion, so it is easy for people to eat a very fast and want to eat; porridge itself in the short term is also easy to be absorbed by the body, resulting in rapid increase in blood sugar, or excessive fluctuations. Diabetic patients should drink a bowl of porridge, every time you can.

The person with bad stomach drink. Many people think that stomach porridge. But in fact, this view is not comprehensive. Because the drink porridge don't chew slowly, not promote can help digestion of salivary gland secretion, and high water content of porridge enters the stomach, will dilute the acid, expansion of the acceleration of gastric, gastric motility slow, this also is not conducive to digestion.

I know that people in Shanghai like to drink porridge, if you can also through the Bonapp website to find your favorite restaurant in Shanghai, you can go in and eat delicious porridge.

